Synthesis and mass spectrometric analysis of aristolochic acid-deoxyguanosine adducts;
Influence of magnesium alloy on deoxidation of 16MnR molten steel;
Optimization of deoxidation process by application of oxygen probing technique for liquid steel;
Theoretical analysis of deoxidation and modification of inclusion with Ba and Ca;
Relation of open-circuit voltage and oxygen content in molten metal during unpolluted deoxidization;
Development of Deoxidization Technology of Solid Electrolyte;
Because of big influences of aluminum inclusions on the performance of heavy rail steel,and the reason why steel rail generates fatigue fracture is aluminum oxide inclusion in the steel by aluminum deoxidization,it is very necessary for heavy rail steel to reduce the quantities of Al2O3 inclusion in the deoxidization process with aluminum.
Four main measures for improving thermal stability including fuel refinement,fuel deoxygenation,addititves and surface modification were introduced.
对提高燃料热安定性的 4种主要措施进行了介绍 ,包括燃料精制、燃料脱氧、加入添加剂和表面处理。
The preparation, characterization and activity evaluation of LS-971 deoxygenationprotection catalyst for sulfur recovery were introduced.
The deoxygenation combustion reaction was researched in a fixed bed reactor and in a cycle reactor with alcohol and wood charcoal as deoxidizer.
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