Two dimensional PFGE revealled no further separationof these bands after UV irradiation, which suggested that all of the bands were linearmolecules.
Digestion rate markedly increased as exonuclease Ⅲ digesting linear DNA with double chains which had reacted with Bleomycin A 5 Ce(Ⅲ) [BLMA 5 Ce(Ⅲ)].
根据外切核酸酶Ⅲ酶解博莱霉素 Ce (Ⅲ ) [BLMA5 Ce (Ⅲ ) ]作用过的双链直线型DNA时 ,酶解速率明显增大 ,酶解产物除 5′ dAMP、 5′ dGMP、 5′ dCMP和 5′ dTMP 4种单核苷酸外 ,还有其他成分存在的实验事实 ,推测出BLMA5 Ce (Ⅲ )在DNA双链的特定部位沿 5′→ 3′的方向切断磷酸二酯键 ,使DNA的双链上形成多个暴露的 3′ OH末
The exosome is a conserved complex which identified in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and has 3′ exoribonuclease activity in vitro.
外切体是酿酒酵母中鉴定的一个保守复合体 ,具有 3′外切核酸酶的活性 。
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