ObjectiveTo study the vertical dimension of adolescents with normal occlusion by cephalometrics and to find a method to determine the vertical dimension of edentulous jaw objectively for improving the level of prosthodontics in clinic.
目的通过X线头影测量对青年正常牙合垂直距离进行研究 ,寻找一个比较客观的确定无牙颌垂直距离的方法 ,进一步提高临床修复质量。
Influence of stress distribution on condyle anterior incline during different vertical distances of edentulous jaw;
A comparative cephalometric study on the craniomaxillary structure between the patients with edentulous jaws and the people with normal jaws;
Three-dimensional finite element stress analysis of temporomandibular joint of edentulous jaw;
Clinical study of early loading of dental implants in edentulous mandibles;
Complete denture restoration for edentulous children;
Regression analysis of vertical dimensions of Uighur edentulous;
Objective: To explore the histological effects of total edentulousness on the temporomandibular joints (TMJ) in rabbits.
Morphologic characteristics of glenoid fossae of edentulous patients;
The influence factors of the morphologic characteristics of glenoid fossae of edentulous patients;
Objective: Although the implant-retained overdentures are commonly used to treat edentulous patients, some patients still show strong desire for fixed dentures.
方法 :11例有条件的无牙颌患者 ,在CDIC种植体支持基础上 ,用常规烤瓷熔附冠桥技术完成全颌固定式种植义齿修复。
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