Application of HPLC on quantitative determination of eleutheroside B and eleutheroside E in eleutherococcuss injection simultaneously.
利用HPLC梯度洗脱法同时测定刺五加注射液中刺五加甙B和刺五加甙E的含量 ,试验证明本法快速、灵敏、简便、准确 。
Results The content of Ciwujianoside B in Acanthopanax senticosus from Heilongjiang,Hebei,Shanxi,Beijing,Korea,Jilin,they were different based on HPLC(P<0.
The number of bifidobacterium and colibacillus along with B/E value in faeces of the two groups were determined by the live bacteria quantitative cultivating and counting method, and multiple stepwise regression analysis was performed among the number of live bacteria.
方法通过活菌定量培养计数法 ,动态观察 32例参训坦克乘员和 30例非坦克乘员粪便中双歧杆菌数 (B)和大肠杆菌数 (E)及B/E值。
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