Aim:To evaluate the effects of atria-His bundle sequential pacing on cardiac electrophysiology and heamodynamics in dogs.
目的 :探讨心房希氏束顺序起搏时心脏电生理和血液动力学效应 ,为临床开展生理性心脏起搏提供理论依据。
Method In 10 patients indicated for permanent VVI pacing tried to implant the pacing lead to the right ventricular inlet septal region under fluoroscopy and taking the tip of His bundle catheter as the reference.
方法 对 10例有按需型心室起搏 (VVI pacing)适应证的患者 ,以心内希氏束导管的顶端为 X线影像下的参考标志 ,放置螺旋电极起搏导线 ,导线向其远端上方移动 ,寻找适当的植入位置。
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