This paper describes the management to WORLEY, an Australia subcontra ctor, in detail design of CEP/WHPE Platform for DF 1-1 gas field development pro j ect, summarizes some experiences and issues that should be noted in the manageme nt to foreign design subcontractor during the offshore engineering project, and introduces the advanced management method of WORLEY.
阐述东方 1 - 1气田开发项目详细设计中对澳大利亚WORLEY公司分包商的管理 ,总结海洋石油开发工程中对外国设计分包商进行项目管理的经验及需要注意的问题 ,介绍WORLEY公司先进的管理方法。
On the basis of genetic modelon library,using variant design a technical model was obtained in order to accomplish detail design.
Some technical questions and basic design ideas during the general layout detail design for CFD11-1/2 oil project stage I wellhead platforms (WGPA/WHPA)is introduced in this paper.
From now on, we should strengthen system planning of towns, lay stress on the characteristics of town planning and increase the coverage of detailed planning for the purpose of making high-level planning for the development of the construction of towns.
长治市城市规划工作存在着种种问题 ,今后应加强城镇体系规划 ,注重城市规划特色 ,提高详细规划覆盖率 ,为城市建设发展做出高水平的规
The key control technology of urban planning in detailed plan stage of China is Regulatory Plan as carrier, which includes the establishment and management.
Detailed Mechanism on NOx Reduction by H_2 in Automotive Exhaust Gases;
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