Both the deflection and the resonant frequency of a microcantilever vary with the change of temperature.
A novel relative humidity measurement method based on microcantilever resonance was presented to construct the theoretical relationship between the resonant frequency and the relative humidity.
Micro-beams are being developed as a key component in various resonator based micro-systems, such as resonant accelerometers, micro-electro- mechanical filters, and micro-vibromotors.
Analysed is quality factor of the resonant microbeam in vacuum.
Using DGD embedment_free electron microscopy, ultrastructural observation on the intra_ and intercellular microtrabecular network (MN) of the pollen mother cells (PMC) of the whole meiotic prophase Ⅰ in onion ( Allium cepa L.
Design and Fabrication of the chip of Microbridge Structure Thermocouple Type Microwave Power Sensor;
The effect of base structural deformation on inherent frequency of a microbeam resonator is analyzed by using analytical method.
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