Experimental study on the immune function in rat models with pulmonary emphysema of pulmonary qi-deficiency syndrome;
Experimental study on the change of hemorrheology in rat models with pulmonary emphysema of pulmonary qi-deficiency syndrome;
The image expression of rats with insufficiency of the lung-qi;
Experimental study of the change on thymus index and spleen index in rats with insufficiency of the lung-qi of pulmonary emphysema;
Invastigation on HRCT of patient of Fei-Qi deficiency syndrome LI Zhe-geng,WANG Guo-jun,PENG Bo,et al;
Effects of Shenqi Bufei Tang on expessions of NF-κB,MMP-9 and TIMP-1 in airway remodeling of COPD rat model with lung-Qi deficiency syndrome;
Objective To observe the effects of Shenqi Bufeitang on expessions of metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1) in the airway remodeling of COPD rat model with lung-Qi deficiency syndrome.
Study on Changes of Cytokine in COPD Patients with Lung Qi Deficiency Syndrome and Lung Yin Deficiency Syndrome
Development of Lung-Qi Deficiency Rat Model with Respiratory Biofilm Bacteria
AQPs Expressions and Their Controls of Lung and Kidney Tissues in Lung-Qi Deficiency Model Rats;
Yu Ping Feng Powder:Clinical Observation of Its Effects on Lung-qi Deficiency Syndrome ofChronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease(COPD) in Stationary Phase
Effects of Liking Prescription on IL-8,TNF-α Expression of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Qi Deficiency Syndrome Rats
Regulated the Bu Fei Decoction to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease rat insufficiency of lung-QI effect on plasma 6-k-PGF1α,TXB2 content
加减补肺汤对COPD肺气虚证大鼠血浆中6-K-PGF1α TXB2含量的影响
Establishment of Model of Stable Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases with Syndrome of Lung-Qi Deficiency
Research on Blood Stasis Condition of Chronic Bronchitis with Deficiency of Lung-energy and Functional Mechanism Research of Strengthening QI to Remove Blood Stasis Method;
Research on relationship between airway lesion and immune complex in rats with Lung Qi Deficiency
Clinical Research on Life Quality of Sufferers of Stable COPD (Lung-Qi's Deficiency Syndrome) with the Treatment of the Traditional Medical Prescription "Yupingfeng San"
Experimental Study of Kidney Aquaporin-2 Expression in Lung-Qi Deficiency Model Rats
Clinical Research on the Effects of Astragalus Injection in Zusanli Point on the T Lymphocyte Subunit Groups and the Lung Function in COPD of Lung Qi Deficiency
The Effect of Buqihuoxue Recipe on Chronic Bronchitis with Lung-QI Deficiency Syndrome Rats' TH1 and TH2 Related Cytokines
In chronic period, the emphasis is on the weakness of vital-qi, phlegm and blood stasis obstructed in Lung collaterals, which is syndrome of deficiency Ben and excessive Biao.
Impact of Qi Deficency Syndrome of COPD and Late Lung Cancer on the Vascular Endothelial Cell s Function;
The Clinical Study of the Treatment in Syndrome Qi and Yin Deficiency of Recurrent Respiratory Tract Infection with the Method of Benefiting Qi and Moistening Lung
Analysis on Traditional Chinese Medicine Syndromes of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer and Clinical Effect of Feitai Capsule on Patients with the Syndrome on Deficiency of Vital Energy and Phlegm Blood-stasis;
Study of Pathological Basis of the Syndrome of Qi-Deficiency and Blood Stasis on Non-small Cell Lung Cancer by researching tumor metastasis-related factors
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