Protective effects of HSP70 on graft in rat liver transplantation from heart arrest donors;
Changes of supply and demand in cerebral oxygen after resuscitation from cardiac arrest and the effect of hypertensive reperfusion in dogs;
Effect of cardiopulmonary bypass through the femoral vein and artery on the relationship between cerebral oxygen delivery and uptake after cardiac arrest;
Methods:Cold high kalium fluid was intravenously infused to reproduce the pig model of cardiac arrest.
方法 :用静注高钾冷停跳液法造成猪心脏停搏模型 ,在复苏过程中分别观测气动胸腹反向按压心肺复苏装置和传统胸外按压心肺复苏法 2组动物冠状动脉灌注压、血气分析、血乳酸、氧自由基、细胞因子检测及组织病理观察。
Objective: To investigate the protective effects of cardioplegia with sodium channel inhibitor tetrodotoxin(TTX) on ischemia/reperfusion models of isolated rat hearts and isolated cardiomyocytes so as to explore a new myocardial protective method.
目的: 研究河豚毒素(tetrodotoxin,TTX)心脏停搏液对离体大鼠缺血/再灌注心肌在器官水平和细胞水平的保护作用,探索新的心肌保护方法。
Objective To investigate the protective effects and mechanisms of polarizing cardioplegia with sodium channel inhibitor tetrodotoxin (TTX) on isolated cardiomyocytes of rat.
目的 探讨Na+通道阻滞剂河豚毒素(tetrodotoxin,TTX)极化心脏停搏液对离体大鼠心肌细胞的保护作用及其机制。
Aim:To investigate the effects of polarizing cardioplegia solution with sodiumchannel inhibitor tetrodotoxin(TTX)on intracellular free Na~+ concentration([Na~+]_i)in isolated cardiomyocytes of rat.
Cold crystal cardioplegic solution was infused through ascending aorta at initial time,20 min after blood flow being blocked,the cardioplegic solution containing blood was infused every 20~30 min .
Objective: To evaluate the myocardial protective effects of HTK cardioplegic solution in the patients undergoing cardiac valve replacement, in comparison with St ?Thomas II cardioplegia and 4 : 1 cold blood cardioplegia.
Effect of Penehyclidine Hydrochloride on Myocardium during Cardiopulmonary Bypass Heart Surgery【Objective】To observe the effect of penehyclidine hydrochloride on myocardium during cardiopulmonary bypass(CPB) heart surgery through cardioplegic solution.
Open heart surgery on beating heart for myocardial preservation;
Minimally invasive cardiac surgery in beating heart:Report of 84 cases;
Objective It is to observe the change of prostaglandins during beating and arrested heart surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass and postoperation,evaluation the myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury of beating heart surgery and the effect of myocardial protection.
Influence of beating and arrested heart surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass on prostaglandins
The Study on the Myocardial Protection of Adenosine Enriched Cold Blood Cardioplegia
Effect of TTX Cardioplegia on Expressions of Intercalated Disc Proteins in Isolated Rat Hearts;
Protective Effects of Cardioplegia with Sodium Channel Inhibitor Tetrodotoxin (TTX) on Ischemia/Reperfusion Myocardium of Isolated Rat Hearts;
Protective Effect of Oxygenated Lecukocyte-depleted Blood Cardioplegia on Myocardium in Patients Undergoing Valve Replacement;
Myocardial Preservation Effect of L-Carnitine in Cardioplegic Solution on Isolated Rat Hearts;
Protective Effects and Mechanisms of Polarizing Cardioplegia on Isolated Cardiomyocytes of Rat;
Clinical Study Effects of Leukocyte-depleted Cardioplegia Perfusion in Myocardial Protection;
Protective Effects of 17β-estradiol-enriched Cardiopiegic Solution on Isolated Rat Hearts after Ischemic/Reperfusion;
Expression and Significance of Calpain on Myocardial Protection with TTX Cardioplegia in Isolated Rat Hearts;
The Protective Effect of Different Cardioplegia on Immature Myocardium in Cardiopulmonary Bypass
The major factors causing death are electrolyte imbalance and dehydration, leading to cardiac arrest.
Effects of Adenosine in Recovery of Automatic Circulation;
Tolerance Limits of Liver Grafts to Warm and Cold Ischemia from Non-heart-beating Donors in Swine;
Effect of Lipid Emulsion on Resuscitation and Cardiac Arrest after Bupivacaine Intoxication
The patient died after suffering a cardiac arrest, ie when his heart stopped functioning properly.
"cardiac arrest:Sudden cessation of heartbeat and cardiac function, resulting in the loss of effective circulation."
Analysis and Management of Cardiac Arrest Shortly after Open-heart Surgery;
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