DNA analysis of pleuroperitoneal fluids for benign and malignant diseases;
Objective To explore the value of detection of CEA,LDH,CHOL,TP in benign and malignant hydrothorax and ascites in the clinical differentiate diagnosis.
To probe into the significance of NO in distinguishing and diagonsing hydrothorax and ascites,the methods of nitric acid enzyme reduction and enzyme link immunity adsorption were used to detect 50 malign/benign hydrothorax and ascites,respectively.
为探讨一氧化氮 (NO)在胸腹水鉴别诊断中的价值 ,采用硝酸还原酶法、放免法分别检测 50例癌性胸腹水、50例良性胸腹水中的NO、TNF的含量 。
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