Influence of Zuoguiyin on Antioxiadation in Blood Thymus and Spleen Index of Senile Mice;
Effect of Zuoguiyin on expression of ovarian VEGF and SPARC in rats during peri-menopausal period
Effect of Zuoguiyin on Activity of SOD and GSH-Px and MDA and IL-2 in Serum of Aged Model Mice
左归饮对衰老模型小鼠血清SOD GSH-Px MDA及IL-2的影响
Study on relationship between the trace elementsand the composition of Zhuogiyin;
Using trace elements to investigate the effect of the inscription composition and affect about Zhuogiyin in which the druges are increased or decreased;
Zuogui decoction affe.
The treatment group was treated with Tianmagouteng Decoction, Banxiabaizhutianma Decoction, Guipi Decoction or Zuogui Decoction and western medicine according to the differentiation of syndrome.
方法 :将 1 0 6例眩晕患者随机分为两组 ,对照组 5 0例 ,采用常规西药治疗 ,治疗组 5 6例在对照组基础上根据中医辨证分型 ,分别用天麻钩藤饮、半夏白术天麻汤、归脾汤、左归饮加减治疗。
Effect of the modified Zuogui Yin on gonads of male aging mice;
Effect of Zuoguiyin on expression of ovarian VEGF and SPARC in rats during peri-menopausal period
A Study of the Clinic Effect and Mechanism of JWZGY on Climacteric Syndrome;
Effect of Zuoguiyin on Activity of SOD and GSH-Px and MDA and IL-2 in Serum of Aged Model Mice
左归饮对衰老模型小鼠血清SOD GSH-Px MDA及IL-2的影响
The Influences of Zuoguiwan and Youguiwan on Plasma Th1/Th2 in Rats with Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis
The outbreak of cholera was put down to bad drinking water.
"But we drink to our guest Bound home from camp, And play him Barbarian lutes, guitars, harps;"
中军置酒饮归客, 胡琴琵琶与羌笛。
Protective Effect of Gui Qi Yin on Acute Cerebral Ischemia in Mice;
Could you come round for a drink next Saturday at about 6: 30 p. m. ?
The Traditional Dietary Culture and Its Tourism planning of Zhuang Nationality in Chongzuo City of Guangxi Province;
He ascribed his good health to proper diet and exercise.
The Clinical Observation of Dang Gui Yin Zi on Treating Prutitus Senilis
Empirical Study on Pathogenesis of Youguiyin Preventing Steroid-induced Avascular Necrosis of Femoral Head
Identification and comparison of constituents in HPLC fingerprint of five Chinese herbal pieces from Rheum palamatum
Experimental Study of Zuogui Pill and Yougui Pill on Hematopoietic Regulation in Myelosuppressed Mice
Effects of ZuoGuiWan and YouGuiWan on lymphocyte subsets and NK cells in peripheral blood of EAE rats
About a week after they had come back, a load of mail came to the island.
Half of the revenues earned by the Olympic Plan goes to the Organizing Committee Olympic Games.
The issue really boil down to a clash between leave and right
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