Textual Research on Plants of Polypodiaceae in An Illustrated Book of Plants;
The book researches the plant-naming in Chinese.
The research on plant-naming is the important part of the research on names in traditional linguistics.
Correction of the Plant-naming Investigation in Compendium of Materia Medica Written by Li Shizhen
Languages are the vehicle of cultures,and plant nouns are the important components of languages.
This paper analyses and describes the pleremes,sememes and the semantic combination of the plant nouns in Hani language,and discusses the relations between the sememes of plant nouns and the other words,and between the semantic features and the Hani social culture.
Because of the influence of national culture, in both English and Chinese there are a lot of vocabularies that have cultural connotative meaning, of which plant nouns are a part.
An Illustrated Book on Plants
(清吴其浚撰) (1848) 植物名实图考
A Textual Research on Some Liliaceae in Chi Wu Ming Shi T'U K'Ao and the Domestication and Dispersal of the Eggplant in China;
The Tentative Criticisim on the Ancient Chinese Names of 20 Ornamental Plants
Reflection on Plant Design Viewed from the Destiny of a Masterpiece;
Practice and Thinking of Road Green Close Plant Communities Adjustment
Thinking about the Planting Design from the Problems of Planting Drawing
The Quest and Practice of Examination Reform of the Plant and Plant Physiology;
Examination research of designing experiment in botany experiment
Research on Realistic Generation of Botanical Scenes Using Computer Graphics Techniques;
Practice and Consideration on Opening Crop Production Teaching Practice for Major of Crop Protection
The Practice and Reflection of 《Ornamental Plants》 Teaching in Higher Vocational Education;
A Probe into the Test Methods of the Course of Plant Physiology;
A Reflection on Improving the Teaching Quality of the Exprimental Course in Professional Elementary Knowledge;
"Any fruit of the numerous cultivated varieties of Lycopersicon esculentum, a plant of the nightshade family. "
一种茄科植物,学名Lycopersicon esculentum;多种栽培变种的果实。
The Research on Extraction from Leaf Image and Visual Realization of Virtual Plant;
A Philological Study of the Medicinal Herbs and Vegetables Represented by Characters under the Radical "艸" in Shuo Wen Jie Zi;
An Investigation on the Chinese Characters Connected with Medicinal Food
Suggestions for the Education Mode of Zoological and Botanical Experiments in Universities;
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