In GOMS model, the signal received by the sensor is modeled as consisting of reflected light from tree crowns, their shadows and the background within the field of view of the sensor.
在使用相同先验知识的条件下 ,将该算法与目前最有效的约束非线性最优化确定性搜索算法 逐步二次规划法对GOMS模型的反演效果进行了比较 ,结果表明 ,逐步二次规划法搜索效率较高 ,但结果受初值的影响很大 ,初值选择不当 ,易收敛于局部最优解 ,而遗传算法具有全局最优的收敛效果 ,但局部搜索效率较差。
An analyzation, using GOMS model, of the interface of a score-entry system, a typical large amount of duplicating interface ope.