Effects of regulating embryonic metabolism on hormone level and antioxidation performance and laying performance in laying hens;
Associations of 24-bp Indel in PRL 5′-region with serum PRL level and laying performance in non-broody chickens;
Effect of methionine content on laying performance in keet;
Effect of cysteamine-preparation on egg production of breed hens and apparent metabolic rate of their diets;
Egg production and daily egg production of adding 0.
The current study was conducted to determine the effects of Salmonella Typhimurium lipopolysaccharide (LPS) challenge on egg production performance, inflammatory response, tissues metallothionein (MT) synthesis and tissue zinc distribution in laying hens fed two zinc sources.
36只海兰褐壳蛋鸡按2×3因子进行试验,饲喂3种日粮(分别为基础日粮、基础日粮中添加60 mg/kg硫酸盐和氨基酸络合形式的锌),每组随机选取半数腹腔注射脂多糖(LPS),另一半注射同样剂量的生理盐水,研究LPS应激对饲喂不同锌源蛋鸡产蛋性能、直肠温度、血清IL 1β以及肝脏和脾脏组织MT和锌含量的影响。
Effects of microorganisms and isomalto-oligosaccharides on egg production performance of laying hen;
Selective effects of the egg performance, fertility and hatchability in G1 generation,the body weight at 6 weeks of age in G2 generation between the high and low fat line were compared.
以父母代肉种鸡为材料,以血浆极低密度脂蛋白(very low density lipoprotein,VLDL)质量浓度为选择指标建立肉鸡高脂系和低脂系,个体测定一世代高、低脂系母鸡产蛋性能、种蛋受精率、孵化率、二世代6周龄体质量,观察血浆VLDL质量浓度选择效应。
Selective effects of egg performance were compared between high and low fat line in G 0 and G 1 generation.
以零世代和一世代高、低脂系肉鸡为素材 ,个体记录高、低脂系母鸡产蛋性能 ,屠宰测定零世代 54周龄母鸡腹脂重 (率 ) ,探讨肥度性状与产蛋性能的关系 ,并研究零世代、一世代高、低脂系产蛋性能选择效应。
The association between the two genes (PRL and GH ) and egg performance of Gaoyou duck were analyzed.
Effect of dietary protein levels in the rearing period on egg laying performance of Shaoxing ducks;
Daidzein was supplemented to the diet of Shaoxing ducks at the dosage of 3 mg/kg during early and late laying period to investigate the effect of daidzein on the egg laying performance and the serum levels of growth hormone(GH),insulin-like growth factor-1(IGF-1)and estrogen(E2).
日粮中添加3mg/kg 大豆黄酮分别饲喂产蛋初期和产蛋后期绍兴鸭 ,观察其对产蛋性能、血清GH、IGP -1和E2 水平的影响。
In order to provide a scientific basis for early selection, egg laying performances of muscovy ducks were recorded individually by abdominal palpation method.
采用托蛋法对番鸭进行个体产蛋量测定 ,并于 5 6周龄时根据其产蛋量高、中、低分为 3组 ,每组 2 0只 ,对其 9项血液生化指标进行测定 ,探讨有关生化指标与产蛋性能之间的关系 ,为番鸭早期选种提供科学依据 。
The Effects of the Production and the Egg Quality of the Bee Propolis in the Egg Chicken;
Relationship between Eggshell Color and Egg Quality and Laying Performance of Brown Egg Layers
Effect of Allicin on Layers Performance
Study on the Molecular Markers of Egg-laying and Egg Quality Traits in Wenchang Chicken;
The Influence of Suitable Methionine Content to Producing Eggs Performance for Treasure Domesticated Guinea Fowl;
Effects of Nano-Selenium and Iodine on Performance of Laying Hens Vaccinated with Swine E.coli
Effect of Health Sand on Egg-laying Performance and Egg Shell Quality of Wenchang Chicken
Effects of Different Source Iron on Laying Performance and Egg Quality and Approach to the Mechanism of the Effects in Roman Hens;
Effects of xylooligosaccharides on growth performance,biochemical indexes and egg quality in laying hens
The Effects of Conjugated Linoleic Acid on Egg Production Performance and Egg Quality of Laying Hens;
The Influence of Feed Added Phytase on Laying Performance
The Effect of Pyroligneous Acid on Egg Performance of Laying Hens and Egg Quality
Structural Characterization of Alcalase Hydrolysates of Soybean 7S Globulin
Immobilized Neutrase-catalyzed Hydrolysis of Walnut Protein and Properties of Its Hydrolysates
Effect of GPS on Production Performance and Egg Quality in Laying Hens
Study on antibacterial activities of enzymatic hydrolysates of bovine casein
Effects of Mulberry Leaf on Production Performance and Egg Quality of Layers
Study of Growth Performance,Egg Quality Between Blue-Shell Laying Hen and and Hailan Laying Hen
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