Effects of CD58 and estrone on the secretion of IL-2 and IL-4 by goat EML in early gestation;
0 for converting androstenedione derivative to estrone,the optimal liquid volume is 25 mL/250 mL flask.
从实验室保藏菌种中诱变筛选到一株简单节杆菌(Arthrobacter simplex)DW 5,该菌株能将底物雄烯二酮衍生物转化为雌酮。
Because estrone elicits strong estrogenic disrupting action,its potential risk has become one of important environmental issues.
利用固相萃取 LC/ESI MS分析测定雌酮及其在氯气消毒过程中产生的副产物 ,结果表明 ,雌酮容易和次氯酸发生反应 ,并检出了包括一氯雌酮、二氯雌酮在内的 4种副产物 。
Preparation and evaluation of orpiment nanoparticles;
Flotation and mechanism of metallic anions activating orpiment;
The influences of some factors, such as initial pH, temperature, steady state and shake culture, inoculation amount, inoculum state, and the existence of realgar and orpiment were examined on lag phase in growth of thiobacillus ferrooxidans, with the bacterial growth being expressed by the oxidation of ferrous iron in culture solution.
以溶液中Fe2+ 的氧化表征氧化亚铁硫杆菌的生长规律,研究了初始pH 值、温度、静置与振荡培养、接种量、接种状态以及雄黄、雌黄对细菌生长迟缓期长短的影响。
We have shown theoretically that ring A of the steroidal estrogen compounds is really the active region.
Female Reproductive Toxicity Induced by Organic Pollutants in Water Environment;
Effect of di-n-butyl phthalate on fertility of female Drosophila melanogaster;
Neuropeptide Y distribution in female rat′s hypothalamus;
Identification of nematophogous fungi of females of Tylenchulus semipenetrans in Fujian citrus;
Experimental studies on female reproductivity of four Trichinella isolates;
Taxonomic Study on Female of Four Species of the Genus Coniopteryx (Neuroptera:Coniopterygidae) from China;
Objective:We conducted a research on the estrogenic activity of the extraction from female moths Samia cynthia ricini in order to develop an ideal medicine resource for the estrogen replacement therapy(ERT)and promote its value in use.
目的 :研究蓖麻蚕雌蛾乙醇提取物 (EEFM)的雌激素效应 ,以寻找理想的ERT药源并提高蓖麻蚕的综合利用价值。
To develop an ideal medicine resource for HRT and promote the value of Samia cynthia ricini in use, we prepared the extract of female moths Samia cynthia ricini (EEFM).
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