The detoxifications of dichlormid and AD-67 to acetochlor were assayed with wheat in laboratory.
The detoxifications of MG-191(2dechloromethyl2methyl1,3dioxelane) and MMCOD(4(methyl mercaptothiocarbonyl)1,4oxazaspio(4,5)decane) to three amide herbicides including acetochlor,pretilachlor and mefenacet were assayed with wheat in laboratory.
运用水培方法,以小麦的芽长和根长为测试指标,测定安全剂M G-191、MM COD对乙草胺等3种酰胺类除草剂的解毒作用。
Antioxidative enzyme system in mitochondrial matrix,together with small antioxidants,functions detoxification of ROS.
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