Detection of Bacillus anthracis spores by hybrid sandwich of antibody and aptamer;
Anti-contamination PCR-microplate hybridization-enzyme immunoassay for detecting Bacillus anthracis spores;
This paper studied sporulation characteristics of Bacillus subtilis transketolase-deficient mutant.
对枯草芽孢杆菌 ( Bacillus subtilis)转酮酶 ( EC2 。
A strain has been screened which is defective in sporulation fully and D ribose titre reached 66 g/L,D ribose titre has improved about 38%.
利用原生质体紫外线诱变的方法处理转酮酶缺陷型短小芽孢杆菌 ,选育到一株丧失芽孢形成能力的转酮酶缺陷型短小芽孢杆菌 ,摇瓶培养 D-核糖平均产量达到 6 6 g/ L,较出发菌株提高 38%。
Advance on the Surface Display of Recombinant Vaccines on Subtilis bacillus Spores;
Effect of inhibition of egg-white lysozyme on Bacillus subtilis spores germination;
DNA was extracted from spores of Tremella fuciformis by phenol-chloroform method, CTAB (cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide) method, proteinase K method, benzyl chloride method and salting out method respectively.
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