The concentration characteristics of mineral elements and biological cycle in the terrestrial solonchak plants on the beach of Jiangsu Province;
The study on APMP-pulping properties of the young tree of Triploid Chinese Poplar in saline soil;
Salt-tolerance plants used for improving agricultural environments in saline soil regions;
Effect of ALA and sulfur application on crops growth and soil properties on the alkaline-saline soil;
It is shown that GDFP could effectively reclaim saline land and bring big economic benefits.
结果表明 :海涂草基渔塘对改良海滨盐土十分有效 ,同时该模式经济效益也相当可观 ;在堤脚与集鱼沟之间种植芦苇有利于维护堤身安全 ;在塘内的一定量区域种植芦苇不仅提供一定数量的草食性鱼类饵料和净化鱼塘水质 ,还具有一定的缓冲海涂单纯养殖对环境造成的负面影响 ;最后 ,冬季排水捕鱼后 ,在塘内滩面上种植牧草对抑制滩面土壤返盐有显著效
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