Effects of Different Planting Time on Growth and Development of Gladiolus Stolon and Cormel;
Effects of Severing Stolon on Chlorophyll Fluorescence Characteristics of Sabina vulgaris;
Effects of stolon severing on clonal growth of stoloniferous herb Potentilla anserina L.;
Study on the difference of the herbs colloid contents between spreading type and erect type of Mesona Blume;
Experiment of double layer twin fans shaping and reshaping and pruning of creeping pomegranate was carried out,and investigation was conducted on development of floral organs,blooming period,fruit set percentage,yield and fruit quality.
由于匍匐石榴具有空间利用率低、主枝过多和枝条密集的特点,影响通风透光,光合效率低下,产量不高(200~400 kg/667m2)。
Effects of clonal connection and segmentation on the primary stolons of Zoysia japonica in environments with heterogeneous soil nitrogen resources;
Based on the morphological change, early development can be divided into 2 stages: embryonic development (including cleavage, blastula, gastrula, egg-trochophora and egg-veliger) and larval development (including weaning stage, big veliger, settlement stage and creeping larvae).
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