17,the techniques for excellent parents original seeds reproducing were investigated in manual and natural segregation respectively.
根据优质杂交油菜新品种黔油17号母本98-116 AB及父本ZW 004的自身特点,分别在人工隔离和自然隔离条件下进行其原原种及原种的保优繁殖技术研究,保证亲本原始的优良种性,确保大面积生产中杂交种的质量以及品种的生产潜力。
The randomized block design was conducted to study the effects of different potato weight and planting density on yield of first original seed potato in mini-potato with virus-free.
通过对马铃薯脱毒微型薯4个粒重水平和4个密度水平进行比较试验,结果表明:在脱毒马铃薯一级原种的繁育中,为了提高种薯的整齐度,进而提高单位面积种薯的生产效率,微型薯大小应选用2~5 g,播种密度以7000株/667m2为宜。
The difference in stomata characters between tissue-cultured jujube tree and original tree in field is reported in this paper.
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