Objietives To investigate (l)the relationship between reciprocal translocation and spotaneous abortion; (2) the frequency of genetic imbalance embryo in reciprocal translocation carriers.
目的 探讨染色体相互易位(reciprocal translocation)与自然流产(spotaneous abortion)的关系,并研究自然流产人群中相互易位携带者不平衡胚胎发生概率,为产前诊断(prenatal diagnosis)或胚胎植入前诊断(preimplantation genetic diagnosis,PGD)提供依据。
The formula expresses that the perfect Lyot depolarizers in Fiber-optic depolarized gyro(Dep-I-FOG) can still be affected by the axial magnetic field,and this may result in Faraday nonreciprocal phase error to gyro.
And the main method to reduce the Faraday nonreciprocal phase error resulted from the axial magnetic field is put forward,too.
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