Vegetative compatibility of Gibberella zeae and genetic study on its resistance to carbendazim in hyphal fusion;
The hyphal fusion between 6307R 9 (dark grey or black)and 6307R 10(white)showed that new isolates altered in melanin producing were formed easily.
通过 6 30 7R - 9(深灰或黑 )与6 30 7R - 1 0 (白 )进行菌[菌丝]融合 ,较易形成色素产生能力不同于两亲本的新菌株。
The probability of hyphal fusion among isolates .
Study on vegetative compatibility and anastomosis group in Botrytis cinerea Pers;
The anastomosis was studied on blood relationship of different gray leaf spot(Cercospora zeae-maydis)pathogens.
Study on pathogenic anastomosis group of Rhizoctonia causal agent of sharp eyespot of wheat in Hubei Province;
By using the method of mycelial anatomosis recognition,345 isolates of Rhizoctonia solani Kühn were categorized into AG-1,AG-4 and AG5 three anastomosis groups,and their occurrence frequency was 3.
According to the test of anastomosis groups method, 250ofisolatesof R.
Study on the anastomotic group of Rhizoctonia solani isolated from cotton fields and their pathogenicity in Northern Xinjiang;
They were divided into three anastomotic groups through cover glass hypha mating with standard strain: AG-2,AG-4,and AG-5,and account for 6.
Identification of anastomosis groups of Rhizoctonia solani isolated from ten crops in Guangzhou region;
The resultsshowed that 92 isolates could be classilied into 7 different anastomosis groups (AG1, AG2, AG3, AG4, AG5, AG6, AG7)according to the vegetative compatibility and incompatibility.
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