Effect of air and fabric layers on heat loss through textile system;
A new directed double-loop network G(N;r,s) model,bintree-modal and new routing method based on the layer of bintree were proposed.
It uses the work manner based on layer,and can also easily transfer the layer file of Photoshop and Illustrator s,control of the multi-layer image.
After Effects是一款非常优秀的影视后期合成软件,它采用基于层的工作方式,可以非常方便地调入Photoshop、Illustrator等层文件,对多层图像进行控制;关键帧、路径概念的引入,使Af-ter Effects对于控制高级的二维动画游刃有余;而令人眼花缭乱的特技、特效系统,更能够实现使用者的创意。
Studies on the Interaction Between the Layers and Pillars of Hydrotalcite-Like Compounds Pillared with Heteropolyanions;
This paper introduces a new platform----J2EE, describing in detailits structure and main technologies, including Servlet, JSP, EJB and a group of common APIs; It also studies on J2EE s application in developing enterprise systems from two aspects梟-tier architecture & component-based development; It also discusses J2EE s evolution and future direction.
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