Analysis and Solution of Concurrent Conflict in Fuzzy-active Database;
New definition of concurrent conflict in collaborative design is presented and a fitting framework of concurrency control is designed.
A hierarchical hybrid concurrency conflicts control model(HCM) was proposed,comprising two control layers and integrating four kinds of concurrency control strategies.
提出了一种层次混合并发冲突控制模型(HCM,Hierarchical Hybrid ConcurrencyConflict Control Model),HCM分上下两层,集成了4种并发控制策略,采用将具有装配语义的命令进行传输实现并发控制。
In order to maintain the consistency of the models of collaborative designs, locked mechanism is used to prevent concurrency conflicts considering most concurrency control in the recent collaborative feature modeling, thus limiting the concurrency granularity to a large extent.
Based on the analysis of concurrency conflicts of feature modeling activities,a non-locked and based on feature dependency concurrency control mechanism is proposed.
An anti-bacteriophage engineering Escherichia coli was directly selected from the ferment lysate by spontaneous mutation.
应用自发突变的原理成功地从溶菌液中筛选到抗噬菌体的工程 菌株;在发酵罐中培养,该菌株生长行为和表达水平没有变化。
The strain burst behaviors of [123] Cu-16%Al single crystals at different shear strain amplitudes and loading frequencies were studied in this paper.
The strain burst behavior of [112] Cu-7Al(atomic fraction,%) single crystals during cyclic deformation was studied in this paper.
对[ 12]Cu-7Al(原子分数,%)单晶体在循环形变中的应变突发现象进行了研究结果发现:在塑性应变幅γP1=22×10-4和γP1≥2。
The strain burst phenomenon and the range of the stress and temperature when such aphenomenon occurs in Al-Mg alloys under cyclic creep condition are studied.
Concurrency Violation encountered while {0} the Orchestration.
当 {0} 对业务流程执行操作时遇到并发冲突。
Concurrency Violation encountered while {0} the Party '{1}' enlisted under the role '{2}'.
当 {0} 修改在角色“{2}”下登记的参与方“{1}”时遇到并发冲突。
Concurrency Violation encountered while {0} the Orchestration Port '{1}'.
当 {0} 对业务流程端口“{1}”执行操作时遇到并发冲突。
Conflicts occurred while synchronizing the data. Do you want to run the Conflict Viewer to view and resolve the conflicts ?
The merge process could not cleanup conflict table for publication '%1'.
A Research on the Conflicts of Resources Among Concurrent Processes in Workflow;
Research on the Concurrency Conflict Detection for Collaborative Graphic Editing Systems
Research on detecting conflicts of concurrent evolution for product line architecture
Conflicts occurred while synchronizing the data and were resolved according to defined rules. Do you want to view the conflicts?
The engine kicked back.
Reasons for the Intensification of the Conflicts in Kosovo and its Development into an International Conflict;
Such solid progress is in no contradiction with developments in information and other technologies.
The article '%s' already exists in another publication with a different article resolver.
项目 ''%1!'' 已存在于另一个发布中,并且具有另一个项目冲突解决程序。
Demonstrators clashed with police.
The two army clash.
The interest of the two countries collide.
The students came into conflict with the police
Short period of an intense feeling
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