Chipping Processes of Logging Residua;
The Hazards involved in timber logging operation is stated and the hazardous factors existing in timber logging operation is analyzed with some measure for improving the intrinsic safety of logging operation presented.
In the light of the actual situation of forest logging production, some preventive safety countermeasures against logging accidents are presented in terms of leadership, system construction, capital investment, inspection and supervision and safety management.
Simulation of long-term effects of forest cutting on forest landscape;
Impacts of Different Cutting Modes on Soil Properties in Larch Plantations;
Impacts of Cutting Modes on Damage Extents of Residual Trees in Larch Plantations;
Forest management occurred within forest landscape mainly consist of timber harvest and road construction.
In order to assess the effect of harvest on forest landscape change, we simulated the landscape change under two scenarios: (1) with harvest and (2) without harvest.
应用空间直观景观模型 (L ANDIS) ,研究有采伐和无采伐预案下大兴安岭呼中林区的森林景观的长期变化。
Based on current situation of forest resources, similar social and economic conditions, relatively complete of administrative division in Zhejiang province, different areas were classified for different felling license management.
Effects of harvesting on spatial heterogeneity of soil moisture in secondary forests of Maoershan region;
Short-term response of soil fauna community to harvesting disturbance in Eucalyptus grandis plantation;
巨桉(Eucalyptus grandis)人工林土壤动物群落对采伐干扰的初期响应
Effects of harvesting and burning on forest N dynamics;
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