Objective To observe the effect of temperature,pH and time on Penicillium citreoviridin′s(PCV) production of toxin in laboratory.
Objective To observe the effect of simple factor of temperature, pH or cultivated time on Penicillium citreoviridin’s (PCV) production of toxin in laboratory;to study the interaction of temperature and pH on Penicillium citreoviridin’s toxin production.
Study on the conditions for biology characteristic and toxin production infection factors of the black spot bacteria on Onobrychic viciifolia;
According to the unique UV absorption of different pathogens’s toxin,the relation model between the toxin production of the pathogens of Soybean Root Rot and its UV-value(ODT) was established as follows: With Fusarium:the toxin production(ug/ml)= -9.
Isolation and purification and toxigenic characteristic identification of microcystis;
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