Study on germination conditions of teliospore of maize head smut;
Direct detection of Tilletia indica teliospores by nest PCR.;
This paper discussed the taxon of this new record of bunt fungus based on morphology of teliospore physiological character of its germination, and the analysis of ITS and IGS sequences.
2004年曾从来自美国的碱茅草种中检出一种腥黑粉菌,是碱茅上腥黑粉菌的新记录,迄今国内外尚无其相关研究的报道,本文从冬孢子形态、萌发生理特性及基因序列比较等几方面对该菌进行了初步研究,讨论了该菌的分类地位,根据研究结果,该菌与Tilletia bromi具有较近的亲缘关系,为腥黑粉菌潜在新种。
The Preliminary Examination for the Telentospore Germ of the Rust Fungus ofGarlic and Its Biological Characteristic;
This paper mainly focuses on the test of Puccinia carthmi telentospores s life-force and its life limit period.
The suitable moisture for teliospore germination was between 10%-25% of mass moisture capacity or 17.
The results showed that teliospores of TCK could germinate at-2~12 ℃,and the optimum temperature for teliospore germination was 5 ℃.
Optimized Culture Medium and Fermentation Conditions for Lipid Production by Rhodosporidium toruloides;
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