We use L-S method to compute the bifurcation equation,having no singular problem,and some numerical results are given by Newton iterate algorithm,as the result,we get some useful information.
Based on the population developing equation with feedback,the paper determines the bifurcation direction at the critical point by bifurcation threory the paper proves the existance of periodic solution and analyses its stability.
There was indeed a cleavage between them.
Our accounts conflict.
Hearts may agree, though heads differ.
Differences of opinion broke their party up into factions.
There has been serious disagreement between the two political parties over this question.
Who shall decide when doctors disagree?
There are now considerable political differences between leadership and the rank and file.
When they were divided the band hesitated, like men who had lost their governing principle of action.
"That's a very pretty question. To answer it, you'd have to have a gaggle of international lawyers on the job, and they'd probably disagree."
These fabulous men differed markedly in their chosen direction for Virginia and America.
liverworts with prostrate and usually dichotomously branched thalli.
Discontinuous Attributive Modification and Problems of Ambiguity in Modern English
Discussions on the Cultivated Quality and Grading of Arable Land --A Case of Lang Qi Island;
Purification and Partial Characterization of Superoxide Dismutase from Muscle Tissue of the Shrimp Macrobrachium nipponensis;
lower vascular plants having dichotomously branched sporophyte divided into aerial shoot and rhizome and lacking true roots.
Emergy Analysis on Small Spatial Scale and Closed Agricultural Eco-Economic System--A Case Study of Lang Qi Island;
Analysis of the Production Efficiency of Good Quality Wheat in County Region Ⅰ.Investigation on Wheat Production Situation in Qishan County of Shaanxi Province
县域优质小麦生产效果分析 Ⅰ.陕西省岐山县小麦生产现状调查
Analysis of the Production Efficiency of Good Quality Wheat in County Region Ⅲ.Investigation on Wheat Quality Properties of State Silos in Qishan County,Shaanxi
县域优质小麦生产效果分析 Ⅲ.陕西省岐山县商品小麦质量调查
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