Application of Ecological Landscape Principles in the River Environment Planning-Example by Tamsui River of Taiwan,China;
Analysis on influence of the hydrologic lower bedding course upon the river runoff;
Detrended fluctuation analysis of river runoff evolvement;
Non-linear feature analysis of river runoff based on higher-order statistic;
This paper analyzes on the reasons of the attenuation of the stream runoff, and makes rough quantitative calculation of the attenuation.
, and expounds the resource quantity of its stream runoff including the regional distributio.
The region of upper Lanzhou is main runoff-producing area in Yellow river basin, and the base-flow plays an important role in the runoff.
The streamflow over the Yellow River basin is simulated by using the high-resolution Regional Integrated Environmental Model System (RIEMS), and an off-line Large-scale Routing Model (LRM).
In order to understand the impact of these activities on water resource in Heihe basin, this paper analyzes the changes of streamflow by using land use data in the 1980s and 2000 and the precipitation-runoff data from 1959 to 2000.
The paper analysis the characteristics, spatial and temporal variety regularity of river flow in Shandong Province.
本文通过对山东河川径流的深入分析研究 ,深刻剖析了它的特点极其时空分布规律 ,阐述其可持续开发利用应考虑的主要因素、开发措施及解决山东缺水问题的根本出路 ,以便科学合理地开发利用有限的水资源 ,解决山东的供水危
Evaluation of impact of soil and water conservation practices on river flow is very important in research of benefit analysis and planning of soil and water conservation.
The impacts of soil and water conservation on river flow and soil-hydrology of Jia-lu-he, Tu-wei-he, Pian-guan-he and Qiu-shui-he catchments have been analyzed by the simulation and on-spot measuring methods according to data of during 1950's to 1990's.
本文以黄土高原水土保持重点区的佳芦河、秃尾河、偏关河和湫水河等四条流域为代表,采用定量与定性、模型模拟与实测对比相结合的方法,系统分析了上世纪50~90年代时段内水土保持对河川径流及土壤水文的影响,取得主要结果如下: 采用秩相关和极差分割等定量评价方法,分析了四条支流径流量变化趋势、变化原因及发生明显变化的临界年份。
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