A new species of the genus Vespula is described in this paper: Vespula nujiangensis sp.
A new species of the genus Vespula is recorded and described, under the name of Vespula yulongensis sp.
报道云南黄胡蜂属Vespula一新种 ,即玉龙黄胡蜂Vespulayulongensissp 。
The effect of dietary freezing-dried hornet pupae on the longevity and reproductivity of the Drosphila melanogaster was examined.
The precursors of mast cell degranulating peptide (MCDP) genes were amplified by RT PCR from the total RNA of venom gland of two honeybee species, Apis mellifera ligustica,Apis cerana cerana ,and three wasp species, Vespa magnifica,Vespa velutina nigrothorax and Polistes hebraeus ,respectively.
从中华蜜蜂、意大利蜜蜂、大胡蜂、墨胸胡蜂和亚非马蜂 5种雌成蜂毒腺中快速抽提总RNA ,用RT PCR方法分别扩增各得到大小约为 35 0bp的cDNA片段 ,进一步将这 5个片段克隆入pGEM T easy载体 ,进行测序和序列分析。
This paper made an in troduction on wasp for its variety and biological characteristics, on wasp s pre ying behaviors and honey bee s acts of defense.
cerana cerana, and 4 wasp species, Vespa magnifica, V.
从中华蜜蜂、意大利蜜蜂和大胡蜂、墨胸胡蜂、额斑黄胡蜂、亚非马蜂 6种蜂的雌成蜂毒腺中快速抽提总RNA ,用RT PCR方法分别扩增各得到大小约为 15 0bp的cDNA片段 ,进一步将这 6个片段克隆入pGEM Teasy载体 ,进行测序和序列分析。
Study of the relationship between neovascularization and mast cells after the wasp stings the cornea byelectron microscopy;
A nest or colony of wasps or hornets.
Of or belonging to the family Vespidae.
a variety of vespid wasp.
Any of various widely distributed social insects of the family Vespidae, which includes certain wasps, hornets, and yellow jackets.
Reduction of foraging activity by A.cerana colonies attacked by Vespa Velutina
type genus of the Vespidae: various hornets and yellow jackets.
sometimes considered a subgenus of Vespa: social wasps.
Vespa velutina nigrithorax is the main wasp species to sting residents in the city zone of Hangzhou.
The Hornet Stings the Wound 60 Example Child Case Clinical Care Analysis
Construction of Venom Gene cDNA Library of Vespa Velutina Nigrithorax Buysson;
Distribution of Serotonin Immunoreactive System in the Brain of the Wasp Vespula Rufa Rufa and Vespula Germanica;
They have also asked for news of the arrival of swifts, swallows, bumble bees, queen wasps, and daisies.
Cloning and Expression of Melittin Genes from 2 Honeybee Species and 4 Vespoidea Species;
Primary Study on Biology and EAG Response of Sting Wasps in Shaan Xi;
The Biological Characteristics of Three Kinds of Sting Wasps in Southern Shaanxi
Cloning and Expression of the Venom Genes Encoding Secapin, Apamin, MCDP and Ag5 from Honeybee and Vespoidea Species;
its enemies have 12 species including ladybug, Pirates, fleahopper, flower bug, vespa, Chrysopa, syrphus fly and spider.
Parental generation living in groups and cooperating together contribute to Vespa bicolor′s existence and reproduction.
黑盾胡蜂亲代个体群居分工合作有利于生存和种族繁衍 .
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