S-RNase cDNA Cloning in Style of Self-fruitful Apple Cultivars;
Degradation of Pollen RNA in Japanese Pear Style in Vitro;
The Variation of Style Auto-fluorescence after Self-and Cross-pollination in Pyrus serotina Rehd;
1%NAA and a liquid medium of pollen culture to the stigma and observing the influence of style length on the production rate of ovules.
为克服由受精前障碍造成的百合杂交不亲和,以3个杂种系的品种和2个野生种为试材,探讨了切割花柱授粉对百合品种自交、近缘杂交和切割花柱授粉、柱头涂抹1 g/L BA或1 g/L NAA或柱头涂抹花粉培养液4种授粉方法对百合远缘杂交,以及花柱长度对百合近缘杂交结实的影响。
A survey was conducted on the outcorssing habits of three cytoplasmic types of CMS lines in rice, in which K17A belongs to K type, Zhenshan 97A belongs to WA type and Ⅱ-32A is IP type.
These traits involve protandry, secondary pollen presentation and explosive style movement.
竹芋科Marantaceae植物所具有的雄蕊先熟(protandry)、次级花粉展示(secondary pollen presentation)以及不可逆转的爆发性花柱运动(explosive style movement)等特点,造就了其独特的传粉机制。
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