Effect of hyperbaric oxygen treatment on hippocampal ultrastructure and active avoidance response of 7-day-old rats with hypoxic-ischemic injury;
A computer-controlled shuttlebox experiment system for active avoidance response of the rat;
Learning and memory functions were evaluated by the active avoidance response (AAR).
Impairment of conditioned avoidance response in Fyn-kinase deficient mice;
The spontaneous behavior and learning memory retention of aged-mice were assessed by using open field and one-trial passive avoidance task after atmospheric (0.
用开场行为模型和一次性被动回避反应模型分别对经高压氧处理的老龄小鼠进行自发活动和记忆保持力检测 ,并用荧光分光光度计测定脑内脂褐素含量 ,探讨了高压氧 ( HBO)对衰老性学习记忆障碍的作用及其与脑内脂褐素含量的关系 。
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