Living Unrelated Organ Transplantation and the Establishment of the Transplanted System;
The Clinical Comparison of Living Related and Cadaveric Donor Kidney Transplantation;
Past, present, and future Perspective of living donor liver transplantation.;
Objective There are few detailed reports up to now about the newly developed anti-HLA antibodies(Ab) after living donor renal transplantation(RTx).
Objective: To investigate some improvements on the surgical techniques of living donor liver transplantation(LDLT).
目的 探讨活体肝移植手术 (LDLT)若干技术的改进方法。
Experimental study of implanted microwave ablation in vivo porcine kidney;
Application of sequential fluorescent labeling in vivo in the study on experimental fracture healing;
Hairy Root Induced by Wild-type Agrobacterium rhizogenes K599 in Soybean, Cucumber and Garden Balsam in vivo;
On the basis of determining potentiality of indigenous microorganism flooding,the concept of "specific capillary number"(μ/σ)was proposed to synthetically evaluate the two MEOR mechanisms,such as bio-polymers and bio-surfactant,the composition and concentration ranges of the activation system were selected by means.
The selection and optimization of activation system is one of the pivotal technology for activation of stratal microflora recovery (ASMR).
An experiment system for determining in vivo fluorescence of phytoplankton with five LEDs with different maximum emission wavelengths as excitation light sources was established.
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