This paper describes four species of Epyris Westwood, 1832, including a newly recorded species Epyris apicalis Smith, 1874 from Taiwan, and three new species Epyris transversarius sp.
记述了我国寄甲肿腿蜂亚科寄甲肿腿蜂属 3新种和1新纪录种 ,新纪录种为采自台湾 ,裸眼寄甲肿腿蜂EpyrisapicalisSmith ,1874,新种为横沟寄甲肿腿蜂Epyristransver sariussp 。
Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of injective therapy for non parasitic hepatic cyst.
目的 :评价非寄生虫性肝囊肿 B超引导经皮穿刺注射治疗的临床效果。
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