Change of genetic variance and inbreeding coefficient in a closed population under BLUP selection;
The non-condition genetic variance analysis showed that fruit branch length was mai nly controlled by additive effects in different developmental stages and its ef fect was expressed to slowly strengthen.
非条件遗传方差分析表明 ,陆地棉果枝的发育动态主要受加性效应控制 ,并且表达效果逐渐加强。
Genetic model for diploid plant seeds and its analysis approaches were applied for estimating the genetic variance and covariance components and genetic correlation of cotton seed density and kernel percentage at four developmental stages (20,30,40 and 50 days after blooming).
Analysis of genetic covariances was made between plant height at different growing stages and eating and cooking qualitative traits of rice.
进一步分解各项遗传协方差分量发现,不同性质遗传相关分量差异也较大,表观直链淀粉含量(AAC) ,胶稠度(GC) ,粘度速测仪(RVA) 谱与株高的相关性主要以加性相关( CA/Am 和CA/Am) 和细胞质相关( CC/C) 为主。
In the article, the linkage strengty of genes is expressed using linkage value, the mathematic expression of genetic covariance of two characters in F 2 and backoross generations with K pairs of linkage genes effecting two characters separatively is extended, and the resolution form of its component is obtained.
Only the additive genetic variance is transmissible by seed.
narrow heribatility
The additive genetic variance of the same character, estimated from the covariance of half sibs, was 0. 9602.
Estimation of Error Variance in Genetic Analysis Models of Continuous Traits of Poultry
Hereditary phenomnon of machining error and theory of relativity are intreduced.
Mitochondrial DNA 16SrRNA Gene Sequence and Genetic Diversity of Silurus meridionalis
t he unbiased error variance obtained by analysis of variance of RFE could improve the precision of the estimates of second order genetic parameters.
Genetic Differences and Diversity of Mitten Crabs Eriocheir from Different Rivers;
Research on Selecting Threshold-value Based on Ostu and GA
genetic inability to distinguish differences in hue.
Applications of Differential Evolution Accelerating Genetic Algorithm to Municipal Engineering;
Genetic Diversity Detected among 45 Guangxi Local Maize Germplasm and 15 Canadian Maize Populations;
Genetic analysis in any organism requires stable heritable differences.
Population Pharmacokinetics of Vivdesine: The Effect of ABCB1 Genetic Polymorphism and Epigentic Variance;
Influence of ABCB1 Genetic Polymorphism and Epigenetic Variance on P-Glycoprotein Function;
Genetic Diversity and Genetic Differentiation of Taxus wallichiana var.mairei Provenances
The additive gene effect was more important than the dominant effect the inheritance of resistance was guantitative inheritance and had higher inheritability.
Analysis of Genetic Difference at Molecular Level among Chuzhou Carp,Fangzheng Silver Crucian Carp and Pengze Carp
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