Analysis of the factors related to menopausal age of women with depression;
The relationships between advanced converting process of big converter and economical service life are researched.
简介复吹工艺与溅渣护炉之间的优化统一 ,研究了大容量转炉先进炼钢工艺与高效经济炉龄之间的关系。
Baosteel steelmaking plant have made plenty of efforts on lowering the general refractory cost of converter and realizing the effective combined blowing in all converter service life, and an economical service life pattern featured with the Baosteel own style was put forward.
"The most economical age to capture an elephant for training is between fifteen and twenty years, for it is then almost ready to undertake heavy work and can begin to earn its keep straight away. "
Effect of Age on Main Economic Traits of Xinjiang Cashmere Goat
Extrapolating directly from age to economic and social burdens is unreliable, however.
On Age Structure Evolution of Chinese Population and Its Effect on Social Economics;
A Research on Economic Effect of Changes of Population, Age Structure in Gansu Province
Effects of Age Structure on Economic Growth:A Case Study of Shandong Province
Many Chinese youngsters are old enough to earn their keep without asking their parents for financial assistance.
International business ethics insists on the dignity of each human being, regardless of his or her age, sex, race, or social position.
The Effect of Population Age Structure on the Economic Development in Guangdong Province;
The Effects of the Population Age Structure Transition on the Economic Growth: Evidences from the Yangtze River Delta Area;
A Study of the Nobel Prize Winners Age Distribution in Relation to Their Achievements in Physics,Chemistry,Physiommedicine and Economics;
Quantitative Analysis on Change of Age Structure to Development of Economy;
Population Aging, Economic Development and Social Welfare Facilities Construction for the Old People --Taking Nanjing as an Example;
Research on Age Structure and Species Diversity of Major Economic Fish in Xingkai Lake
A Comparative Study of the Family Support of the Middle-age and Old-age Men in the Rural Areas with Different Economic Conditions
The Impact of Western Rregion of Age-Human Capital on The Economy Chase
Analysis on Economics of Aging:Measurement and Economic Status;
Review Again the Negative Impacts on Economy Made by Population Aging--On the base of the connotation of the aged in economic perspective;
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