The method is based on a genetic model containing both the direct effects and maternal effects of an endosperm QTL and on an experimental de-sign termed two-stage hierarchical design,in which the trait information is obtained from F3 endosperms and molecular marker information is obtained from F2 plants and F3 embryos(plants).
This paper introduced the development of the concept of maternal effect and the factors of nutrition and non-nutrition which influenced its performance.
The maternal effects and gene effects on body weights at birth (BWB), 20 days of age (BW20) and 60 days of age (BW60) in pigs were estimated by least square multiple regression procedure, using group least square means of Erhualian (EHL), Large White (LW) and their F 1, F 2 and backcross (to LW pigs) (8 groups of animals in total).
Maternal Effect on Sensitivity of Embryo to ABA and Grain Dormancy in Wheat;
In this review, we survey the growing literature on maternal effects with emphasis on the following aspects.
母代效应 ,由于其特殊的作用方式 ,引起了许多进化生态学家的极大兴趣。
Expression of Mater mRNA in human oocytes and preimplantation embryos
人类卵母细胞及植入前胚胎中母性效应基因Mater mRNA的表达
Implicit Attitude-difference Towards Parents and Gender Dissociation in College Students;
Comparison of Parental Age and Birth Order Effect in Monopolar and Bipolar Affective Disorder
Analysis of Embryo, Cytoplasm and Maternal Genetic Effects for Quality Traits in Brassca Napus L.;
The Expression of Immunopeptide in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae and Its Immune Effect in Fish Aquiculture;
Studies on the Toxic Damage of Weaning Rat s Brain and Protective Effect of NAC by Perinatal Exposure to Lead in Female Rats;
Mediating Effect of Children s Self-Concept on the Relationship Between Parents Negative Punishments and Children s Social Behaviors;
According to Modularity of Mind to Analyze the Bilingual s Memory Advantage Effect of Mother Language;
Cloning and Overexpression of Gene Encoding Acidic Endo-β-1, 4-Xylanase from Aspergillus Niger (N402)in Pichia Pastoris and Analysis of Properties of the Recombinant Xylanase;
The check of effective alphabetic to ensure the correctness of input alphabetic.
SNARC Effect on Different Learning Levels of Greek Letters;
Biological Effect of Vanadium-enriched Yeast on Moina macrocpa
Human CTL Responses Specific for DNA Vaccine of WT1y Product
Study on Mutagenic Effects of Phaffia rhodozyma Strain Induced by Microwave Irradiation
Mami'ai in Treatment of Breast Milk Jaundice:Clinical Observation of 108 Cases
The old curmudgeon was talking about the smothering effects of parental duty on creative lives.
Construction and Expression of "Bait Plasmid" Containing Human Secreted Form Klotho Gene in Yeast Two-hybrid System
Construction of a bait plasmid containing HBV PreS1 gene in a yeast two-hybrid system and evaluation of its toxicity and self-activation
HBV PreS1蛋白酵母双杂交诱饵表达载体的构建及其毒性和自激活效应检测
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