It is summarized a new class of fermentation-derived insect control agents spinosyns which is effective against a variety of lepidoteran insect pests and exhibits activity in varying degrees against a broad spectrum of insect pests.
介绍了一类由发酵产物分离的新颖大环内酯化合物多杀菌素 ,它对鳞翅目害虫活性很高 ,且对大多数的咀嚼式口器害虫有效。
The most active components of the spinosyn family are spinosyn A and spinosyn D, and others are significantly less active.
Spinosad(a mixture of spinosyn A and D) is a natural pesticide with unique mode of action.
多杀菌素(spinosyn)是由刺糖多孢菌(Saccharopolyspora spinosa)经有氧发酵产生的一类新型大环内酯类化合物。
Determination of spinosad residues in water by HPLC;
Analyses of Spinosad and Its Degradates from Light Irradiation;
Breeding Effect of Space Treatment Breeding on Producting Strains of Spinosad;
A method for the determination of spinosyns and its metabolites in cotton plant by HPLC was studied.
Quantitative analysis of spinosyns by HPLC with Nucleosil C18 column at UV 250nm was introduced.
采用高效液相色谱法对Saccharpolysporaspinasa发酵液中多杀菌素含量进行测定 ,本方法的相对标准偏差为 0 。
Here the molecular mechanism of spinosyns biosynthesis was summarized, including polyketide assembly and modification, NDP-sugar.
多杀菌素是由土壤放线菌刺糖多孢菌产生的次生代谢产物,主要活性物质为spinosyn A和spinosyn D,是一种新型的高效广谱大环内酯类杀虫剂,因其独特的杀虫机理而兼具生物农药的安全性与化学农药的快速性。
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