Changes in nitriergic nerves and interstitial cell of Cajal in intestinal myenteric plexus of scalded rat during early post-burn stage;
Effects of portal triad clamping on AchE positive neurons in rat myenteric plexus;
Another staining method and nevol function of interstitial cell of Cajal in rat ileum myenteric plexus.;
大鼠回肠肌间神经丛 Cajal 间质细胞的乙酰胆碱酯酶组化染色法和新功能
Objective:To relieve abdominal pain from ex acerbated, unresectable carcinoma of abdominal organs with celiac ganglia block under CT g uidance.
目的 :应用电子计算机断层扫描 ( computed tom ography,CT)导向下行腹腔神经丛阻滞术 ( celiac ganglion or plexusblock,CGB或 CPB)解除或减轻无法手术切除的上腹部恶性肿瘤所致的进行性癌性疼痛。
Celiac plexus of cadavers: observations on processing original image of MR imaging;
Endoscopic Ultrasound-guided Celiac Plexus Brachytherapy with Iodine125 Seeds in the Treatment the Pain of Advanced Pancreatic Carcinoma: A Pilot Study;
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