Based on the classification of desert vegetations in Xinjiang,the paper employs the Holdridge life zone model to simulate the desert vegetation types in Xinjiang and adopts Kappa coefficient to verify the simulation finding that it performs poorly (Kappa coefficient:0.
The education should become a kind of social activity that awake the person s life consciousness;the value of the education should be achieved by guiding the person to build his life,so,true education should be a kind of education that face person s life directly,show the concern to life and shine the life meaning.
Her novels have not only energetic emotions, scientific reason, but also deep philosophy, filling with the deep thinking of the life, human nature and society.
她的小说不仅具有饱满的感情、科学的理性 ,还具有深刻的哲理 ,饱含对生命、人性和社会的深沉思考 ,放射出思想的光辉 ,震撼人的心灵 ,使人们更加珍爱生命 ,热爱生活 ,向往美
Existence and Its Gap of Human Being in Shen T Song Wen s Love Novels;
Milan Kundera s novel The Unbearable Lightness of Being deeply discloses that human being is in a dilemma : lightness or heaviness of sex and love , of soul and body , and of the elegant and the common ; opposition and transition of lightness and heaviness run through life.
The dialectical thinking of the sacred life;
Landscape——The Experiences and Extensions of Life;
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