Genesis and Characteristics of the Dongsheng Kaolin Deposits in Ordos Basin;
Oil-gass Self-potential(OGSP) Method and Its Application on Exploration of Hidden Oil-sands Mine at Dongsheng;
Mineral Mapping in Dongsheng District Based on Space Hyperspectral Remote Sensing;
From September 2004 to April 2005,A biodiversity census was conducted by transect and plot investigation in the Shengshanregion,Heilongjiang province, which lies in the Daxing`anling and Xiaoxing`anling mountain ecotone.
2004-09 ̄2005-04采用样线调查和布设样方等方法,对处于大小兴安岭生态交错带的黑龙江省黑河市胜山地区的生物多样性进行了考察;该区不仅有森林、灌丛、草甸、沼泽和草塘等多种生态系统类型,有生物物种2053种,其中高等植物896种、脊椎动物339种、昆虫330种、土壤动物59种、大型真菌429种,包括国家II级重点保护植物7种,国家I级重点保护动物6种,国家II级重点保护动物43种;就管理和保护上存在的问题提出了有针对性的对策。
The development of ecological thinking of human come through the three phases:phases of "Imitate nature",phase of "conquer nature"and phase of "harmonious mix in nature".
人类对于人与自然关系的认识是不断深化与发展的 ,人类生态思维的发展经历了“法天’、“胜天”、“通天”三个阶段。
This article is writing about a competence model for marketing managers which is established by several research methods including job analysis, behavior event interview and HR appraise measurement software.
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