1)alimentary cycle,食物环2)food cycle,食物环3)microbial food loop,微食物环4)Food & Environmental Hygiene Department,食物环境卫生署5)Food and Environmental Hygiene Department[FEHD],食物环境卫生署6)Hong Kong Food and Environmental Hygiene Supervisory Staffs Union,香港食物环境生管理级职员工会7)Hong Kong Government Food And Environmental Hygiene Department Staff General Union,香港政府食物环境生署职工总会8)Government Food and Environmental Hygiene Department,Leisure and Cultural Services Department Drivers Union,政府食物环境生署、康乐及文化事务署司机工会9)Hong Kong Government Food and Environmental Hygiene Department,Leisure and Cultural Services Department Employees General Union,香港政府食物环境生署、康乐及文化事务署雇员总会10)food,食物
Taking the grassland agro-system to insure food security;
Study on the relation between the bound moisture and the internal heat caused by food;