Single and binary-combined acute toxicity of heavy metal ion Hg~(2+),Cu~(2+),Cd~(2+),Ag~+,Zn~(2+) and Pb~(2+) to Hydra;
Investigation on the teratogenesis from Eucommia Bark, Baikal Skullcap and Ramie root by using Hydra regeneration assay;
Inhibitory effect of Cu~(2+),Cd~(2+) and Pb~(2+) on the feeding behavior of hydra;
Joint Toxicity Test of Heavy Meatal Ions Lead, Cadmium and Zinc to Hydra sp.;
Effects of temperature on population growth and body size of Hydra sp.;
Scanning electron-microscopic observation on morphologic damage of Hydra pseudoligactis under Pb~(2+) and Cd~(2+) pollution;
Localization of AChE and NPY-like substance in Hydra pseudoligactis;
Genetic Diversity of Hydra robusta in Heilongjiang Province by RAPD Analysis;
Hazards of Hydra robusta to Coilia mystus Fry;
In this paper,we introduced the studies on the toxicity of seven kinds of seven kinds of washing powder by using of Hydra robusta and Limnodrilus sp.
本文用七种洗衣粉分别对强壮水螅 (Hydrarobusta)和水丝蚓 (Limnodrilussp 。
The single and combined effects of heavy metal ions Cd~(2+) and Pb~(2+) on the mortality of four species of aquatic organisms (Hydra pseudoligactis, Paramecium caudatum, Dugesia japonica and Cipangopaludia cathayensis) and the ultrastructural morphology of H.
本研究以拟寡水螅(Hydra pseudoligactis)、草履虫(Paramecium caudatum )、三角涡虫( Dugesia japonica )和圆田螺( Cipangopaludia cathayensis)等4种水生动物为受试动物,以曝晒自来水为空白对照组,运用静态急、慢性毒性实验方法并结合扫描电镜技术,分别研究了几种重金属离子单一和联合作用对这四种实验动物死亡率以及拟寡水螅的生殖发育和形态学的影响,主要研究结果如下:1。
The Hydromedusae in the coast of Liaodong Peninsula is still less known.
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