During the transferring-damaging period of the overwinter larvae of Dioryctria pryeri, the terpene volatiles, the polyphenol oxidase (PPO), α-chymotrypsin inhibitor (ChymPI), and the free amino acid content, the crude fat and water content of Chinese Pine cones and (or) conelets induced by methyl jasmonate (MJA) and damaged by Gravitarmata margarotana larvae were examined.
The pests of Lepidosaphes piniphilus Borchsenius,Crisicoccus pini Kuwana,Drosicha corpulenta Kuwana,Oligonychus clavatus Ehara,Oligony chuus nunguis Jacobi,Pineus lavis Maskell,Cinara pinea Mard made the great number of pine trees dead by one or more pests together invading,preventin.
Dioryctria pryeri,an important pest that causes damage to cones of Pinus koraiensis,it is difficult to be controlled because of its cryptic characteristics.
Control Korean pine adelges in nursery by using 1059 insecticide;
Effect Contrast Test on Contsol Adelages laricis in Datong;
Pineus armandicola Zhang is an important defoliator of armand pine( Pinus armandi ).
华山松球蚜 (PineusarmandicolaZhang)是华山松 (PinusarmandiFranch)的重要食叶性害虫。
Comparative studies on the growth of Sphaeropsis sapinea isolates;
Comparative studies on the morphology of Sphaeropsis sapinea spores and mycelia;
Inoculations revealed that the Chinese isolates of Sphaeropsis sapinea were similar to American A isolates in pathogenicity which was much nore aggressive than B isolates.
实验证明 ,国内供试松球壳孢菌 (Sphaeropsissapinea)的致病力明显高于美国的B型菌株 ,与A型相似 ,致病性较强。
A Study on the Morphology and Biology of the Adelgid Aphid Pineus armandicola;
Population amount of Pineus armandicola Zhang in Shuangjiang County,Yunnan Province;
A Study on the Control Threshold of Pineus armandicola;
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