The study of 80 Hz auditory steady-state evoked potentials in patients with auditory neuropathy;
Effect of stimulus intensity on auditory event-related potentials evoked by tone and speech;
Correlation of auditory evoked potential index and bispectral index with the depth of sedation induced by fentanyl and propofol;
Software of Hearing Rehabilitationand Assessment System;
The Study on Cooperation Theory of Hearing, Feeling and Seeing in Piano Teaching;
A digital-controlled measuring instrument for hearing,which is based on a single-chip microcomputer and highly integrated device,is introduced in this paper.
However, the experiment result shows that it is poor for pedestrian to perceive the danger from the rear by sense of hearing.
The good sound accuracy is rectified through the sense of hearing,vision and touch,sense of hearing in heart is the most important to sound accuracy,cultivation of sound accuracy rectified by sense of vison is also necessary.
The paper discusses the importance of the sense of hearing in singing and holds that good sense of hearing is very essential to those who are engaged in music activities.
it probed into the impact of noise on human s audition and functions of other organs from the medicine point of view.
从医学的角度 ,探讨了噪声对人体听觉及其他器官功能的影响 ,分析了噪声对病人心理的干扰。
Vision and audition are two modes of aesthetic process, with the former focusing on rationality and the latter on perception.
According to the requirements of temporal perception and auditory perception measurement,this paper develops a new temporal perception and auditory perception measuring instrument by using an EMPU(Embedded MicroProcessor Unit)LPC2214 as its hardware kernel and a RTOS(Real Time operating System) μC/OS-II as its software development platform.
a sense of sight [ hearing, smell, taste, touch ]
视觉[听觉, 嗅觉, 味觉, 触觉]
resonance theory of hearing
听觉共鸣说 听觉共鸣说
telephone theory of hearing
听觉电话说 听觉电话说
frequency theory of hearing
听觉频率论 听觉频率论
Both audible and visible.
Of or relating to the sense of hearing or the organs of hearing.
On Absolute & Relative Hearing and the Training of Relative Hearing;
feels, sounds, smells or tastes.
The five senses are sight,hearing,smell,taste,and touch.
sensory (e.g. related to smell, touch, taste, sight, hearing);
Characterized by or relating to an aura.
"We have five senses, namely, senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch."
She' s got very sensitive hearing, skin, etc.
她的听觉、 触觉等很灵敏.
audio visual instruction technique
Any of the various types of sensation, such as vision or hearing.
auditory aphasia
Of or relating to hearing, the organs of hearing, or the sense of hearing.
"auditory: Of or relating to hearing, the organs of hearing, or the sense of hearing. "
听的 属于或关于听、听觉器官或听力感觉的。
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