After introducing the identical factor S and the homologans factor V,the relationship between S and V can be found.
引入同一性因子 S,找到了序列的同一性 S和序列同源性 V的关系 ,从而在判别序列之间同源程度时由序列的同一性因子 S取代序列同源性参数 V。
Based upon the principles of Kalman filter method,the authors defined a new parameter,relative chemomic error(ε),to evaluate the asynchronous nature of the components in TCMs,and a derivative parameter as synchronization factor(SF) to quantify the synchronicity of the chemome .
基于Kalman滤波法原理,定义了化合物组异步性特征参数"化合物组相对误差(relative chemomic error,ε)",并据此建立同步性参数"同步性因子(synchronization factor,SF)"和反映化合物组释放同步性的参数"平均同步因子(average synchronization factor,SFav)"等评价参数。
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