Segmentation of Video Object Plane ConsideringShot Break and Object Disappearance;
After investigating the character of some usual frame-to-frame difference methods in the abrupt shot change detection and analyzing the reason that the existing frame-to-frame difference methods cannot gain enough high detecting precision, this paper puts forward a new and more effective method, i.
研究了各种常用的帧间差算法在镜头突变切换检测中的特点和分析了现有帧间差法难以达到很高的检测精度的原因之后 ,从人的视觉对图像差异的判断方式出发 ,提出了一种新的更为有效的计算图像相似度或帧间差的算法 ,即像素点匹配法 ,实验结果证实该算法在有限地增加计算量的条件下 ,明显地提高了镜头突变切换的检测精度。
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