When null alleles were considered,one locus(TUMXLv8.
Two markers were observed to produce null alleles;and when null alleles were considered,there were 4 loci showing segregation distortion at 5% significance level.
Mean heterozygosity(H),mean polymorphism information contents(PIC)and mean effective number of alleles(N e)calculated by above two type of genetic marker data were compared.
随机抽取湖羊 6 3只、同羊 6 5只分别进行 14个结构基因座和 7个微卫星标记的遗传检测 ,比较由两种遗传标记获得的群体基因平均杂合度 (H)、多态信息含量 (PIC)及群体有效等位基因数 (Ne)。
Effective number of alleles and Nei\'s expected average heterozygosity were 1.
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