Effect of Maiditong for injection on coagulative and fibrionlytic system in diabetic nephropathy;
Objective The aim of this study is to explore the expressions of blood coagulative fibrinolysis factors, (FRA、FN、α2-PI、PLG) in the mechanism of human glomerulonephritis and their correlation, and the accelerative effects in glomeruli cirrhosis.
目的 探讨凝血纤溶因子(FRA、FN、α_2-PI、PLG)在原发性肾小球肾炎中的表达及差异,分析各因子之间的相互关系及其促使肾小球硬化的作用机理。
Co-culture 3T3 fibroblast and macrophage on blood fibrin clot with rhbFGF;
Biological protein stanch fiber is a new haemostatic with high efficiency and security, which is especially applicable to wound of deep tissue, for example from bullet.
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