The Approximation from Ellipse and Spline to Polyline In Estate Surveying;
It analyzed the application of Curve-Surface Modeling Technology in CAD/CAM,and described the characteristics of polyline and spline in AutoCAD.
According to the unwrap curves equation of the intersection of cylinder vessels opening for nozzles,smooth template curves for both opening and nozzle are plotted with the aid of cubic splines.
Application of the cubic Bzier spline curve in garment pattern design;
Cloud elimination method in remote sensing image based on spline curve;
Study and realization of three dimensional character modeling system based on spline curve;
This paper introduces two methods for selecting proper ways to fit curves using listing discrete points according to actual needs and the smooth join between curves have been realized by using spline as transition.
On the basis of the problem of drawing intersecting lines in engineering design with computer drawing software, this paper brings forward the use of the spline function and formula curve function by computer drawing software and the method of drawing intersecting lines.
Based on Autodesk Inventor Professional 2009,the paper introduces some basal methods to control and edit the spline,such as geometric constrains, dimensional constraint,changing and restricting the parameter of control points, increasing or reducing the control points, fitting curve, changing the tensity of curve etc.
After analyzing profoundly the function and its DXF group codes of various kind of spline curves in AutoCAD software as well as programming verification based on object ARX development environment, this paper finally reversed their developing technique and mathematic models of biarc spline, B-spline and NURBS(non-uniform rational B-spline) curve in AutoCAD software.
通过对AutoCAD软件中各类样条曲线的功能及其DXF组码深入分析,并用object ARX二次开发环境进行编程验算,反求出了AutoCAD中的双圆弧样条曲线、NURBS样条曲线以及B样条曲线的具体实现技术及数学模型,并对AutoCAD环境下各类样条曲线的数控加工编程进行了讨论。
Based on the divisibility of Bézier curves,the paper provides a generating algorithm of spline curves and further promotes the algorithm to the spline curves of the kind by means of the transformation matrix of spline curves.
基于B啨zier曲线的可分割性 ,给出样条曲线的一种生成算法 ,利用样条曲线的变换矩阵 ,进而将此算法推广至样条曲线
NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines)
Study of Data Reduction of B-spline Curves and Disk B-spline Curves;
Curvature monotony condition Tor the quadratic rational B spline curves.
B Spline Curve and Surface Reconstruction Based on Genetic Algorithm;
Research on NUAT B-spline Curve and Surface Interpolation;
NUAT B样条曲线曲面的插值研究
Uniform duplicate mixed hyperbolic polynomial B-spline curves
A Class of Spline Curve with Given Tangent Polygon
B-spline Curve and Surface Reconstruction under Geometric Constraint;
NURB surfaces
IK Spline Handle Tool
Realization Cubic B-spline Curve Interpolation Based on DSP;
Algorithms for Inserting Knots into ECT B Spline Curves;
ECT B样条曲线的节点插入算法
The Program of Visual Basic for Thrice Spline Interpolatory;
三次样条曲线的Visual Basic程序设计
Research and Applictaion of B-spline Curves' Knot Insertion Algorithm
Theory and Application of Low Degree Variable Degree Splines
Closed Adjustable Spline Curve with Given Tangent Polygon
Research on fairing and approximation algorithm of C-B spline curves
Elevation Algorithm for a Class of Trigonometric Polynomial Spline Curves
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